FEN Clinical Trials

Brand Identity / Visual Design / UI/UX Design

Brand identity, web design and marketing collateral to support recruitment efforts for an international clinical trial.

August 2, 2021
my Role
Senior Art Director, UI/UX Designer
Project overview

Genentech/Roche approached our agency to build the branding and assets for a set of phase 3 clinical trials evaluating fenebrutinib in patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS) and primary progressive MS (PPMS). We were tasked with developing the brand identities for both studies as well as the overall parent brand of fenebrutinib (FEN), and to provide design deliverables to the client so they could launch the campaign to reach healthcare providers and patients, with the goal of recruiting eligible subjects for these studies.

Project challenges

Multiple sclerosis is a devastating disease, affecting patients with a variety of debilitating symptoms. Many patients of RMS and PPMS experience visual accessibility issues, which needed to be addressed in the UI/UX, digital and print designs in this omnichannel campaign. The emotional aspect of the brand was also critical – it was important to demonstrate attributes of positivity and inspiration in the messaging to patients, while delivering personalized and engaging communications.

Project goals
  • To reach a select group of patients with accessibility challenges, and motivate them to join an important clinical trial
  • To launch a comprehensive and transformational campaign that inspires hope for the future of MS research

The process

The Six Degrees research team conducted audience-based user research to determine the visual attributes that would best represent the FEN brand. Based on these quantitative and qualitative insights, the ECD and I designed a range of logo options from which to build the brand identity and the overall visual development of the patient communications. We collaborated with internal cross-functional teams and client stakeholders, narrowing down the selections over several rounds through a process of evaluation, feedback and iteration, before selecting the final family of FEN logos.

Once the logos were finalized, I used the brand pillars to build out the rest of the visual brand identity, creating a set of brand guidelines for each sub-brand. I was also the lead designer on this project, creating all the digital and print marketing assets as well as designing the landing page for the parent brand and websites for the two sub-brands.

The solution

To create a brand that invokes hope, and to craft the UI/UX of the patient-centered website with easy-to-read fonts and interactive elements, and a user flow that was straightforward, easy to understand and that catered to users with accessibility requirements. The user interface needed to be easily navigated by users of an older demographic, as well as those who may be challenged with visual difficulties.

Here is the main parent brand, Fenebrutinib, with the three sub-brand logos. The star motif represents the patient's freedom of movement, which is something that these new drugs aim to help.

Along with the brand guidelines, I designed all the pieces needed for this fullscale campaign. Here are some pieces from the FENtrepid campaign, including posters, patient brochures and one-sheets, appointment reminder cards, patient screening forms for healthcare providers, packaging for the campaign materials as they are sent out to clinics and doctor's offices, and websites.

Here are some selected pieces from the FENhance collateral.

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As the product lifecycle is still ongoing, we haven't yet reached the stage of analyzing sales and customer feedback yet. Without these metrics in place, we can determine that there are still rounds of iteration coming in the near future, and this will help continue to strengthen the efficiency and user satisfaction of this product. As my largest and most complex UI/UX project yet, this has been a learning experience for me, but I'm proud of the work and value I've contributed to this product.

Pam Golafshar's expertise has been critical to the successful development of our application. She understands complex processes and is able to map and design with an eye towards both aesthetics and function. She has listened attentively to our specific needs, and her insights for design impact on end user experience, as well as for creating ready-to-market features, have been invaluable for our team. From UI/UX to marketing designs, Pam has provided us with premium service from start to finish.

– David R. Wilson, Ph.D., StrataVue CEO